Employment law training for managers and HR

Employment law courses
Liz is Head of Legal at twinwin.
As an expert in employment law, Liz enjoys sharing valuable legal knowledge with HR professionals, enabling them to avoid costly legal mistakes. Her mission at twinwin is to make employment law easy for HR.

In light, continuing education in employment law is more than just a way to fulfill all legal formalities. For companies, they are a strategic necessity that has an indirect effect on corporate success. Equipped with knowledge of employment law regulations, both employees and managers can better fulfill their roles. Continuous vocational training is a matter of course for HR professionals anyway.

German employment law is not only complex, but is also constantly evolving. Continuous training is essential to stay on track. The available offerings are varied and colorful: from courses at academies to live webinars on employment law to structured self-study phases. This article provides an overview.


Importance of continuing education in employment law

Before we get into specific offers for continuing education in employment law, here is a brief discussion of why the importance of HR training is so central.


Minimize corporate risks

In the complex world of German employment law, training is a crucial protection against business risks. Here are a few examples:

1.  Preventing legal disputes and potential financial consequences: German employment law is strict and detailed. Violations, even unintentional, can lead to significant legal consequences, which may also mean a financial burden on the company.

Regular training in employment law keeps managers and HR managers informed of legal changes and thus reduces the risk of unintentional non-compliance.

2.  Effects on employer branding: A company's reputation is a decisive criterion for success. Violations of employment law can damage a company's image and undermine employee trust — with negative consequences for recruiting and retaining personnel, for example.

3.  Facilitating smooth operations: Solid knowledge of, for example, legal regulations on working hours, vacation entitlements and termination procedures has a direct impact on day-to-day business.

In summary, continuing education in employment law is an indispensable part of risk management for companies operating in Germany. Proactive measures are far more beneficial than reactive adjustment. The latter is often done too late — namely when a legal problem has already arisen.

What twinwin offers comes into play when it comes to optimal knowledge transfer: Tailored and topic-specific modules on employment law issues provide you with a digital legal department that can be accessed ad-hoc at any time.


Increasing competence and professionalism

Continuing education in employment law also makes a significant contribution to increasing competencies and professionalism in the workplace. Workers learn to better understand their rights and obligations, which often leads to increased engagement. HR managers and management are enabled to effectively manage and resolve conflicts.

Disputes about employment contracts, working conditions or workers' rights can thus be resolved before they escalate. And a deeper understanding of employment law issues with its comprehensive regulations is a key competence in itself.

Continuing education in employment law is therefore an effective tool for improving employee competencies and promoting a culture of professionalism within an organization. Appropriate offers cover a wide range of topics and formats and are available both online and as face-to-face events.


Continuing education in employment law through distance learning

The flexible form of education of distance learning enables, among other things, professionals or parents to continue their education and obtain a graded certificate or other degree without being tied to a physical campus. Here are three offers for continuing education in employment law:


Continuing education in employment law at Quadriga University

As a private university with state accreditation, Quadriga in Berlin offers the E-learning course “Employment Law — How do you make your HR work legally secure? ”

A total of eleven webinars, each lasting around 90 minutes, cover topics of everyday HR work, from recruiting to employment contract drafting to employee data protection. Speakers are usually employment law specialists.

  • Duration: two months, next run from 07.03. — 06.05.2024
  • Costs: starting at 833 euros plus VAT
  • Exams and certificates: Upon successful completion of a final teaching quiz, participants receive a certificate of    completion.

Continuing education in employment law at Euro-FH

The European Distance University Hamburg (Euro-FH), which is also private, offers with its Employment Law Continuing Education comprehensive expertise for corporate practice on topics such as industrial constitution, vocational training and employment protection law.

  • Duration: five months
  • Costs: A total of 1,145 euros (if registered by 31.12.2023) or 229 euros per month
  • Exams and certificates: After successful completion of six submissions and one exam, participants receive a university    certificate with eight credits, which can be credited towards classical university studies.

Continuing education in employment law at the FernUniversität Hagen

FernUniversität Hagen has a good reputation as the largest state distance university in Germany. The continuing education Master's program “Business and Labor Law” offers advanced vocational training.

In addition to topics such as European and international business law, the degree program covers the entire spectrum of individual and collective employment law, including the application of European laws and guidelines in German employment law.

  • Duration: It varies between two and four semesters full-time and four to eight semesters part-time.
  • Costs: 300 euros per semester and 950 euros per module/master thesis. There is a 10% discount for people “in special    circumstances”.
  • Exams and certificates: After successful completion, participants receive the academic title “Master of Laws (LL.M.)”.


Employment law training

Online seminars and face-to-face events in employment law for HR professionals

The offer in this area is very wide. You can get an overview with the Course finder procure. Here are three of the well-known providers:


Beck seminars

Die Continuing education offers in the area of employment law offered by Beck seminars include a variety of seminars, live webinars and on-site events. The formats cover various topics, including works constitution law, data protection in the working environment, dealing with works councils and legal aspects of working from home and mobile working.

Formats and dates vary to meet different needs and schedules. These continuing education courses are aimed at professionals who want to deepen their knowledge of employment law.

Haufe Academy

that Labor Law Seminar - Compact Basics The Haufe Academy is a one-day course that provides a comprehensive overview of important employment law topics. It covers the recruitment of new employees, employment contracts, working hours, vacation rights, continued payment of wages, part-time employment, employment irregularities and the termination of employment contracts. The seminar costs 960 euros plus VAT and is aimed at HR managers and employees in HR departments.


IFM Institute for Management Consulting

that Labor Law Seminar for HR Managers The IFM Institute for Management Consulting provides a basic and practical overview of employment law topics. Content includes, for example, fixed-term, probationary period, minimum wage law, maternity leave, correct warnings and dismissals. It is aimed at specialists and managers in HR departments and offers practice-oriented tips.


Continuing education in employment law: other formats

Herkert Academy

Die Herkert Academy offers continuing education in the area of employment law, which include recent legislative changes and recent case law. The one-day seminars cover important changes in employment law regulations, such as decisions on equal pay between men and women, discrimination against part-time workers, or the Federal Labour Court (BAG) ruling of September 13, 2022 on mandatory recording of working time.


Kommunales Bildungswerk e.V.

Continuing education in the area Employment law from Kommunalen Bildungswerk e.V. offer a variety of seminars, courses and webinars that deal with various aspects of employment law, in particular collective agreement law. In addition to principles of employment law or data protection in a work context, this also teaches how to deal with difficult employees and much more. The seminars are led by experienced experts and are tailored to the needs of professionals in municipal companies and public administration.


Institute Manager

The manager institute offers a wide range of continuing education seminars, including in the area of employment law. These seminars are specifically designed for specialists and managers and cover various aspects of employment law. The exact content and dates of the seminars vary.


Mannheim Labor Law Day

An interesting alternative to the classic employment law course can also be 18th Mannheim Labor Law Day 2024 be. He deals with current issues in employment law, influenced by changes such as working from home, artificial intelligence (AI) in the working environment, mass layoffs and whistleblowing. The event features presentations from experts, including a final discussion. The participation fee is 400 euros (plus VAT), including refreshments and lunch. Training certificates are available for lawyers.


Technical books and journals on continuing education in employment law

Books and magazines are an excellent source of expertise in employment law. A selection:

  • Labor Laws (ArbG): This collection of the most important legal texts on various employment law topics such as    termination law, occupational safety law, vocational training law, collective bargaining law and more is part of the    personnel    manager's basic equipment. Published in 2023 in the now 103rd edition!
  • Basic labor law course by Abbo Junker: A basic work aimed at beginners in employment law.
  • Employment law — a crash course by Uwe Ringel: A practice-oriented employment law course that also provides working    tools online.
  • The NZA — New Journal in Employment Law provides reliable information on current developments in all areas of   employment law, from employment contract and collective agreement law to works constitution law and procedural law.
  • The ZAU — Journal of Employment Law in Companies covers all practice-relevant topics, including works constitution,   collective agreement and social security law.
  • The Bund-Verlag provides comprehensive information and resources for works and staff councils as well as for experts in   the areas of occupational safety and severe disability law. The offer includes specialist literature, magazines, online   specialist modules and current news.

Self-study with free online content on employment law

In addition to distance learning and seminars, there is also various free content available for self-directed employment law training. This includes:



Here's how you can find out about German employment law using free resources on LinkedIn:

  • Search for relevant groups: You can join LinkedIn groups that focus on employment law in Germany. Articles, discussions,    and updates are frequently shared in these groups.
  • Follow experts in German employment lawto regularly receive their contributions and articles.
  • Use LinkedIn Learning: Although some courses are chargeable, there are also free continuing education opportunities    that provide basic information on German employment law.
  • Attendance at webinars and online events: Keep an eye on events hosted by professionals on LinkedIn. These can    provide valuable insights and up-to-date information. 

YouTube Channels

Yes, there are also offers on YouTube about continuing education in employment law. For example: the Bucerius Law School Playlist On the subject, offers more than a dozen videos on employment contracts, termination, General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) & Co.


Conclusion:  It is imperative to get an education in employment law

Continuous training minimizes entrepreneurial risks, strengthens employer branding and makes operational processes easier in general.

Especially when it comes to the dynamic legal regulations on employment law, successful HR professionals must stay on track. Finally, a tip: The requirements for legally secure HR documents are also constantly changing. In order to always be up to date, the legally secure templates from twinwin are ideal. Simply make an appointment and get advice.