Employment Law: seminar offers for HR

seminar arbeitsrecht
Liz is Head of Legal at twinwin.
As an expert in employment law, Liz enjoys sharing valuable legal knowledge with HR professionals, enabling them to avoid costly legal mistakes. Her mission at twinwin is to make employment law easy for HR.

There are many seminars and courses on employment law for HR professionals, but it is not always easy to find exactly the right offer for your own needs. For this reason, we will you present various HR law seminars in this article. When choosing, we took into account various points, such as the format, the practical relevance of the seminar, the duration and also customer reviews. The result is a selection of seminars, some of which deal with the basics of employment law, but also with specific employment law issues that HR professionals are confronted with in their daily work. This overview is intended to help HR professionals find the right seminar on employment law for them.


Which employment law issues play a role in everyday HR life?

Employment law forms the legal framework for employment relationships in Germany — and is therefore an important basis for successful personnel work. This is because labor law errors can have significant legal consequences for companies. However, German employment law is extremely complex, and without legal training, it is difficult to get an overview of most important recent legislative changes in employment law and to keep the latest case law. However, HR professionals must be aware of the current legal situation in order to avoid legal disputes and any financial consequences and to ensure employee satisfaction. Because only satisfied employees remain with the company in the long term.

Various aspects of employment law play a role in the day-to-day work of HR professionals and HR managers, including:

  • Recruiting and hiring: non-discriminatory job advertisements, regulations of the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG), admissible questions in job interviews, fair application procedures and selection processes, formulation of legally secure rejections, handling of applicant information, works council consultation
  • Rules in the employment contract: important contract contents such as rights and obligations of employees and employers, legally secure contract drafting in accordance with current case law, minimum wage law and remuneration, written form requirement, probationary period and probationary period extension, home office regulations, non-competition regulations, fixed-term and part-time, cut-off periods, working hours, vacation entitlement, continued payment of pay in the event of illness
  • Current employment regulations: Employer management law, transfer, recording of working hours, overtime regulations, incapacity for work in the event of illness, regulations on maternity protection, parental leave and care leave, warning in the event of poor performance or misconduct, additional or amendment agreements, expiry of vacation days, secondary activities
  • Termination of employment: legally effective ordinary and extraordinary termination, probationary period termination, dismissal during the notice period, dismissal of several employees, notice of amendment, drafting of a termination agreement, dismissal protection, dismissal protection act, release during the notice period, dismissal of several employees, notice of amendment, drafting of a termination agreement, termination due to illness, issuance of work certificates

In order to be able to act competently in these areas, regular education in employment law essential for HR professionals. Seminars on employment law often deal with the principles of employment law or specific issues in employment law that are relevant to daily personnel work and, in many cases, convey employment law for HR professionals in a practical and understandable way.


Support in employment law issues from twinwin

Twinwin offers practical online workshops on employment law at regular intervals to give HR and employers a well-founded insight into the application of legal regulations in employment law. You will soon find information about this on the twinwin workshop page.

Ensuring greater clarity on employment law issues in day-to-day personnel work is the goal of the digital legal department at twinwin, which provides HR professionals and employers with comprehensive legal expertise for their daily work. The various twinwin modules cover all employment law topics related to everyday HR and support HR professionals in making decisions relevant to employment law.

In the question and answer module for example, users receive practical and reliable answers to fundamental questions about German employment law at any time. This not only enables personnel managers to identify legal risks at an early stage and better prevent legal disputes or escalations. They can also use their time more efficiently and concentrate better on employees.


Further seminars on employment law for HR professionals and employers

Here is an overview of other practice-oriented seminars on employment law, which provide you with important know-how for your HR work:


“From hiring to dismissal — legal certainty in human resources management” (Haufe Academy)

Haufe Academy's seminar “From Recruitment to Dismissal — Legal Security in Human Resources Management” focuses on the daily tasks of human resources management and provides a basic overview of legal issues relating to the various aspects of the employment relationship. In this seminar, HR professionals learn what they need to consider when hiring and concluding employment contracts, what employment law rules apply in current employment relationships, how good separation management works and what pitfalls must be considered when working with works councils.

Based on case studies, the employment law seminar familiarizes managers and HR professionals with the legal framework that employment law and the case law of labor courts govern all phases of an employment relationship. In just two days, this gives HR professionals a good overview of important employment law topics in order to gain more legal certainty in their everyday working life.

The seminar takes place several times a year as an online and face-to-face event. There is also an in-house option, which allows you to tailor the content to the respective company.

  • Content: legally secure job advertisements and cancellations, fair application procedures, contract content in accordance with the NachWG, drafting of contract clauses, fixed-term and permanent employment contracts, dealing with particularly conflictive situations in the employment relationship, warnings, terminations and termination agreements among other topics
  • costs: online/face-to-face seminar 1,570€ plus VAT; in-house: price on request
  • duration: 2 days
  • Seminar language: German


“Employment Law Crash Course” (BeckAkademie Seminars)

Beckkaddemy's Online seminar “Crash course in employment law — become an expert in employment law in two days” seminars provide an overview of the diverse challenges in employment law that employers, managers or HR departments face in their daily work. This seminar also addresses the individual phases of the employment relationship and provides participants with the necessary employment law know-how to sensitize them to potential risks for HR at every stage and to enable them to deal with them in a legally secure and sovereign manner.

The seminar is practice-oriented and the speakers provide HR with numerous formulation examples and patterns (from recruitment to termination of employment). In addition, current cases from case law are addressed and participants can bring questions about their own use cases.

The seminar takes place several times a year as a live webinar. Current dates can be found on the event page linked above.

  • Content: job advertisements, AGG, employer's right to ask questions, contract drafting, amendments to the evidence law, mobile working vs. home office, fixed-term contract, management law, working time regulations and recording, continued payment of pay in the event of illness, warning, termination agreement, ordinary and extraordinary termination, dismissal due to illness, work reference - among other topics
  • costs: 989€ plus VAT
  • duration: 2 days
  • Seminar language: German


“Employment Law for HR Managers (Specialization)” (IFM Institute for Management Consulting)

The IFM Institute for Management Consulting's seminar “Employment Law for HR Managers (Advanced)”  is primarily aimed at human resouces professionals who already have basic knowledge of German employment law and would now like to take a closer look at individual topics such as employer management law, the employment law effects of a transfer of business, warnings and terminations of employment contracts.

The seminar is offered several times a year as an online seminar and as a face-to-face seminar nationwide. The dates can be found on the seminar page linked above. The organizer also offers this seminar nationwide as an individual company seminar.

  • Content: consequences of violation of management law, transfer or termination of amendment, transfer of employment contracts, temporary employment, legal consequences of ineffective (illegal) leasing contracts, work and service contract, bogus self-employment, employee rights against a warning, termination agreement, termination agreement, dismissal protection for special groups of employees, participation of the works council in terminations
  • costs: online seminar: 1,260€ plus VAT; face-to-face seminar: 1.400€ plus VAT; individual company seminar: price on request
  • duration: 2 days
  • Seminar language: German


“Terminate correctly — right of termination for employers” (Haufe Academy)

How can the employer give legally effective dismissal due to operational, personal or behavioral reasons and, if necessary, assert itself in a dismissal protection lawsuit before the labor court? The answers to these questions are provided by theseminar “Terminate correctly — right to termination for employers” the Haufe Academy. Participants learn how to proceed strategically in the event of a termination and how to avoid typical sources of error when preparing and carrying out cancellations. The seminar covers the content and formal requirements for termination and repeatedly refers to current case law. It provides participants with checklists, practical tips and helpful tips to prepare, issue and carry out cancellations in a legally secure manner.

The seminar is offered several times a year as an online event and as a face-to-face event in various major German cities. There is also an in-house option, which allows you to tailor the content to the respective company.

  • Content: special protection against dismissal, extraordinary dismissal, termination under the Dismissal Protection Act, behavioural, operational and personal reasons for dismissal, notice of amendment, involvement of the works council, consultation of the representatives of severely disabled persons, notice of termination and access, termination agreement, strategy for dismissal protection process
  • costs: online/face-to-face seminar: 920€ plus VAT; individual company seminar: price on request
  • duration: 1 day
  • Seminar language: German


“Fit in employment law for 2024” (carpentry practice seminars)

Every year, there are numerous changes in employment law that are essential for personnel work. New laws are introduced and existing laws are amended. In addition, there is the current case law of the labor courts, which also repeatedly has an impact on employment law practice. To help HR managers keep pace with these changes, the interactive seminar “Fit in employment law for 2024” a compact overview of the current state of case law. It covers the most important legal changes as well as the current case law of the Regional Labor Courts and the Federal Labor Court. Participants receive concrete information about what this means for their practice and how they can implement the new requirements in their daily work.

The seminar content is constantly updated. The seminar is offered as an online and face-to-face event. An in-house event is also possible on request.

  • Content: legislative developments, EU directives, current case law on employment law issues such as recruitment, employment contract, data protection, working hours, remuneration, warning, termination, collective bargaining law, works constitution law, participation
  • costs: online seminar: 845€ plus VAT; face-to-face seminar: 895€ plus VAT; in-house: price on request
  • duration: 6.5 hours
  • Seminar language: German


“Recruiting up to date 2024 — making employee recruitment legally secure” (Tangens)

Employment law pitfalls can also lurk in recruiting, which can cost the company dearly. Because even when recruiting new employees, there are a variety of employment regulations and laws to be observed. Tangens Business Academy's online seminar “Recruiting aktuell 2024” has this in mind. The seminar gives HR and recruiters a comprehensive insight into employment law regulations relating to employee recruitment and the application process and also takes up decisions and judgments from current case law. Participants can also discuss and clarify their own current practical questions and problems in the seminar.

The seminar is purely an online seminar and is offered several times a year. The exact dates can be found on the linked seminar page.

  • Content: legally compliant design of job advertisements, correct handling of AGG topics, admissible questions in job interviews, correct handling of application documents, personnel marketing, certificate verification and cancellations, legally correct conduct on social media, compliance with employee data protection, consideration of the rights of the works and staff council
  • costs: 520€ plus VAT
  • duration: 1 day
  • Seminar language: German


“Avoid employment law pitfalls — identify mistakes & minimize risks” (BeckAkademie Seminars)

As the name suggests, the BeckAkademie's seminar “Avoiding employment law pitfalls” deals with the most common pitfalls for employers in German employment law. The seminar focuses on conflicting topics such as overrecruiting, typical mistakes in employment contracts, unprotected trade secrets and classic stumbling blocks in employment relationships. The speakers show participants how they can effectively protect themselves from mistakes in dealing with employment law issues on a daily basis and gives them numerous practical recommendations for action. The speakers not only present typical employment law pitfalls, but also take up examples from current case law and share best and worst case scenarios from their own day-to-day practice.

The seminar takes place exclusively as an online webinar. Current dates can be found via the link to the seminar page.

  • Content: discriminatory job offers, unfair recruitment, non-transparent overtime regulations, inappropriate repayment agreements, incorrect warning, (unfavorable) employee photos, forgotten information, involuntary special payments, unexpired vacation claims, unbalanced termination agreements
  • costs: 499€ plus VAT
  • duration: 4 hours
  • Seminar language: German


Seminar employment law

Face-to-face or online employment law seminar ?

A few years ago, it was still a give that training courses were offered as a face-to-face event. With time, however, many — as confirmed by the selection of employment law seminars above — are increasingly being offered with an online option or only online. Let's take a quick look at the advantages and disadvantages of face-to-face and online seminars:

In-Person Seminars Online Seminars
Pros Depending on the provider and seminar format, people from different industries or departments come together - networking and exchanging ideas with each other is usually easier. During the course, participants find it easier to talk to the course leader and also to each other. In face-to-face courses, a shared learning and group dynamic can develop better, which can be conducive to learning. Participants are more flexible because online seminars are offered regardless of location and, in many cases, time. The time required is less. The participation fees for online seminars are often lower than for face-to-face seminars. The employer saves on travel and accommodation costs. A larger range of seminars is available to participants, as they generally have a larger selection of online courses than face-to-face seminars.
Cons In many cases, face-to-face seminars are more expensive than online seminars. In-person seminars take place at a specific location; travel and accommodation costs may apply. The journey requires additional time. Both the organizer and the participants rely on functioning technology (e.g. stable internet connection and PC/laptop). Communication with the speaker(s) or other seminar participants is difficult.